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Thompson Brigaderia was founded by Iociara Thompson & Iorrana Thompson (mother and daughter) in 2015 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where it had its main attraction, The Brigadeiro Station, that serves "live" brigadeiro in social events and businesses. After a successful year in Brazil, they had an opportunity to move to the US, Bethel;Connecticut, and realized how the area was missing out on quality brigadeiro, therefore mother and daughter decided to offer their product and services to not only the Brazilian community but to EVERYONE.  In 2017 due to high demand, they started to expand, meeting all the clients needs and adding to the menu cakes, gift boxes, cake in jars and other dessert types. Since then, Iociara and Iorrana been working day and night to meet the market's expectations with the mission to maintain their clients always satisfied to have high quality products in their tables and events.


Iociara & Iorrana Thompson

Founders & Professionals at Thompson Brigaderia

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